Majora's Mask also has one of these, but Wind Waker's has more of them and can easily get out of hand if you allow the yellow summoner types to keep summoning.

Wizzrobes are such a pain that Nintendo has dedicated several mini-boss battles to them Getting into sword combat range with them is difficult, if not impossible in certain instances, as some will disappear if you approach, or after they finish casting. In the end, if there are many of them in one room they can create a rather hazardous environment to navigate. Wizzrobes in The Wind Waker are also guilty of producing strange noises when they appear, or simply laughing at you if you fail to hit them before they finish their spells and disappear. The ones in Majora's Mask may create clones of themselves to disorient the player, and there are some in The Wind Waker that are capable of summoning other enemies to aid them. A common tactic employed by the creatures is to teleport around and fire off orbs of flame in your direction. Wizzrobes appear in many games in the series, and in many incarnations. However, one thing that remains is their tendency to rarely stand still. The wizzrobe has had many design changes over the years.